I have been transferred to Kentucky and am settling into a new place that is very different from my previous area in Tennessee. My companion is great and our house is awesome (it is located right next to the church building).
I'll share one story...Elder Ashton and I were walking at night, basically in the forest (this was right after a dinner appointment). We walked down into what seemed to me be the valley of death, very dark. We approached this creepy looking house and there was a dog barking on a chain; we could not see anything. We noticed a red light on the other side of the house. We stepped up to the front porch...of the house with the red light...and knocked, and then knocked again. All we can hear was a wooden floor creaking. We decided it to make a brisk get-away. As I turned to leave, I noticed a shadow out of the corner of my eye, so I started running...only to realize a moment later that it was my own shadow. After all that craziness, we found another house nearby and the people living there were very nice and accepted The Book of Mormon. We did this all "seeking" at night because our dinner appointment family referred us to this particular area. I guess it was all good in the end because we were able to add a new investigator.
Kentucky is sick (translation: awesome and I feel comfortable). I can see all the stars at night which is a tender mercy. I am growing so much in my testimony of Jesus Christ and My Heavenly Father.
Love you all,